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On 11 October, LightingEurope and IALD stressed the importance of Lighting and Well-being in Buildings with a joint event in the European Parliament hosted by MEP Peter Liese. A panel of EU policy makers, industry representatives and lighting designers discussed the importance of working and living in a healthy environment and how lighting can contribute to healthy buildings. Saving energy has been and will remain a key objective for EU policymakers and industry stakeholders, but addressing lighting quality should be granted a similar importance.


1. Dieter Lang - From Ledification to Human Centric Lighting / Download

2. Andreas Schulz - Human Centric Lighting: consequences for Lighting Design / Download

3. Raphael Kirsch- EPBD review: Identifying the Potential of Lighting / Download

4. Kevan Shaw- EU regulations on lighting: beyond the EPBD review / Download

5. Paula Rey Garcia - DG ENERGY, European Commission / Download

6. Antonio Cammarota- DG EMPL, European Commission / Download


Lighting and Well-Being in Buildings Conference - Registration List / Download

Peter Liese

Peter Liese speech

Antonio Cammarota

 Peter Liese Peter Hunt