Start date:
23 Apr 2024
End date:
23 Apr 2024

Join us for the launch webinar of the new European Lighting Forum.  A new space where members of the lighting value chain are invited to share views, experience and work together on the delivery of better lighting in Europe.

During the launch event, speakers will delve into the key topic of the renovation of the EU building stock.


The webinar replay is available here.


You can download the speakers' presentations below.

- The role of lighting in renovation (Peter Thorn),  here.

- Challenges of lighting renovation in buildings (Carla Wilkins),  here.

- Lighting and survey of emotions: Lighting and survey of emotions: the case of historic buildings (Athanasios Balafoutis),  here.

- Housing Europe: opportunities and challenges arising from the renovation of buildings in Europe (Joao Goncalves),  here.


Next events will be by invitation only. If you have not indicated in the registration form that you would like to be invited in the future, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

You can find the survey at this LINK. We thank you in advance for your feedback. 

Renovating Europe’s buildings – the role of lighting

Microsoft Teams Meeting
10.00: Opening + Introduction + Code of Conduct
Elena Scaroni, Secretary General, LightingEurope will open the inaugural European Lighting Forum and introduce the speakers.
10.05: Keynote Presentation: The role of lighting in renovation
Peter Thorns – Head of Strategic Lighting Applications, Thorn Lighting and chair of the LightingEurope Working Group on Value of Lighting. In a presentation, Peter Thorns will outline the contribution of lighting to the challenge of renovating Europe’s buildings. This will be followed by a Q&A.
10.20: Stakeholder’s Presentations: Renovating buildings – opportunities and challenges
Carla Wilkins – Member of the Board, International Association of Lighting Designers / Athanasios Balafoutis – Postdoctoral Researcher, Hellenic Open University / Joao Goncalves - Housing Europe Director of Innovation and SHAPE_EU. Speakers, representing stakeholders from the lighting value chain and the built environment, share their views, opportunities, and challenges on the topic of renovation. A Q&A will follow these presentations.
11.00: Conclusion + Closing
LightingEurope’s Secretary General, Elena Scaroni, will close the meeting and inform participants about forthgoing meetings.
